martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

THE BOBs -blog award

Wow! I think that all the blogs that I visited in this page were excellent!!! it is very difficult to mention just one blog that I most liked, but I have to confess that I had to reread all the blogs again to analyze and select the blog that I most liked, so here it comes...........................THE BLOG THAT COULD BE CALLED "THE WINNER BLOG" IS CALLED................."CERDOS Y CERDAS"!!!

I really loved this blog because first of all I think that it has a funny and creative name, and also because it is about the human conduct, it has reflections about it, so I found this blog really good and interesting! I hope you can visit it and enjoy the topic as much as I did.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Meli:

    Hahaha your choice is very funny, I likte too, pigs are so funny. And in Fact I also choose this blog as my favorite ;)


  2. hahaha i liked this one two, i didnt put is as my favorite but i liked it a lot

  3. Melisa, it´s a very interesting link...thanks for being original and creative on your posts!
