miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010


Discrimination toward indigenous communities:
Australia is an important case of discrimination toward minorities, all of this is because the Government was the one who promoted it trough polices, this policies were the ones that separated the indigenous children from their families and also from their communities.
The name “assimilation” was used to force them to put away their ceremonies, languages, and many other things, in other words to put away their culture and everything related to their lifestyles.
In 2008 the Prime Minister Kevin Rod gave a speech apologizing to all the Australians indigenous people for the pain that they had suffer and also for all the losses and the difficulties that they had to lived, in this speech the Prime Minister talked about education, employment and many other things that encourage these people because after all this suffering they were listening proposes that were supposed to give them opportunities.
The organizations existing in each country must know and must help everyday to solve this kind of problems because no one deserves to suffer in this way.

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