miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Latin america organization

When I was searching for the different organizations existing in Lain America I founded the COTAL organization which I thought that was really important and interesting, so I wanted to share all this information for all of you, so you can now about this organization and maybe you can get familiarized with it.

COTAL which means " Confederación de Organizaciones Turísticas de la América Latina" wants to create an "America Latina Unida" by remaining available to the interests of its members, the official bodies of each country and all organizations that want to be part of it. With this union COTAL wants to show the world the wonderful opportunities that America Latina can offer, either for tourism but also for human development.

COTAL believes that the region of Latin America needs and deserves to be on top in terms of global tourism, this is why this organization was created, to encourage to all the world to visit an also invest in Latin America and to invite them to change their way of thinking about Latin America.

I invite all of you to visit this pagehttp://www.cotal.org.ar/ and to get in touch with it. I hope you can enjoy it!!

Principal source:http://www.cotal.org.ar/

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