viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010

Colombian salesperson

Taking into account the variables that the document talks about the salesperson, I am going to describe the Colombian salesperson:

In the aspect of Hofstede, Colombia has low individualism, because almost all the colombian people like to work in groups; the colombian salesperson respect the authority-hierarchy of the company.
Colombia has a high power distance.

As and example of this 2 aspects mention before, we can imagin one thing that is really common in the colombian companies, this is a manager of a company giving some work or an assigment to an employee, this employee would do inmediately its work without questioning the manager or asking anything, causing as a consecuence the lack of information to the employee and the high possibility to the employee to make a mistake.

2 comentarios:

  1. Melissa, You are doing a great Job. It´s good to use other sources as Hofstede research to give support to your arguments. Please remember to reference properly images.

  2. Hhaha. Isn't that guy in the movie using both, braces AND a belt :-D
