martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Should individuals (directors, employees, shareholders) bear any responsibility for the actions of a corporation? If so, to what degree?

Should individuals (directors, employees, shareholders) bear any responsibility for the actions of a corporation? If so, to what degree?

Individuals such as directors and employees, should be responsible for all the actions of a corporation because they are the ones who make all the corporate desition, and all the corporate planing.

On the other hand, Shareholders do not bear any responsibility because they are not involved in any desition made by the other companies individuals (directors, employees)

5 comentarios:

  1. i agree with the diferentation of the parties that has responsalities and the ones who hasnt, because the directors are the main users of the tool (corporation) so they have to response, but the shareholders doesnt any participation in the desition making process.

  2. The shareholders are the ones whoe elect the board of directors, and the board of directors usually nominates the CEO. Many times also the major shareholders and/or their representatives sit in the board of directors. They also make the long term plans and form the strategy. So how can you say these people don´t have any responsibility?

  3. All of them (directors, employees, and shareholders) are part of the company, so they have, at some level, responsibility of the actions of the corporation.
    The level of responsibility depends on the corporation, there are corporations in which the shareholders are the main actors, but there are also, other corporations in which the employees are the main actors. Almost always is true that the directors and shareholders are the ones that take decisions, and the employees fulfill and carry out these decisions. The thing is, that all of them, no matter what they do, belong to a company, and that make them responsible.

  4. I agree with Antti, in the fact that even though shareholders dont always have the same responsabilities they, as antti said, elect the directs and the people who make the decisions, in that matter i think that corporations cannot have the same legal rights as human beings.

  5. i agree with Melissa point of view that directors and employees should be responsible for the decision that the corporations makes. Shareholders are the ones who elects the directs but they are not the ones that take decision, so they should not be bear any responsability.
